In the recent past years I have come to notice that less and less people around me are willing to think! It’s not illegal yet! Then how come do we find ourselves Googling and Yahooing the answers to every question that rises in our heads! Many blame television! Others blame video games consoles and other entertainment sources that are favored by the upcoming generations. But these products will never stop seducing our eyes, since our eyes are the sources of what we think we need and simply cannot live without! Thought has become conveniently unavailable to all the kids. And why should it be? All they have to do is write their question in an empty slot and more than hundred solutions will appear in less then five seconds. Everyday we tend to think less and less about everything and nothing that surrounds us! We simply walk through our days, led by the advertisements on the streets, on our radios and television sets! They do all the thinking for us. And we simply surrender to their power! Some of us try to fight back! They limit the hours they spend in front of their televisions. But is that enough? Others claim to be neutral to the whole idea. But how can we afford to be neutral in this fast paced world of immoral formality? So what are the solutions? I don’t think that television is the devil, or anything in that field of lexicons describing evil. It does have interesting information on certain occasions, and the internet is great! This dilemma is complex. Its like a labyrinth where one loses her mind, his senses and their powers!
well, Dimz i can see where you're at but let me just tell you that you may want to consider the option that human beings are just lazy beings. since ever they created weapons and tools to facilitate their hunt, their lives and their fights. nowadyas no one trains for battles: all you need is one click of a button and everything is done for you... that was one example, and we already have thousadnds of these... so, sleep on this and don't be abhorred by the laziness of our species.